What I've found surprising lately are the movies I haven't seen that one might expect a film buff to have seen. Following is a list of 10 such movies (no particular order); some I've avoided because of genre, some because they just don't appeal to me, and some I want to see but just haven't gotten around to them yet.
1. The Shawshank Redemption: When I taught college English several years back, this was the movie my students couldn't believe I hadn't seen. I like Stephen King, I don't like prison movies, so it's a toss-up. I'll probably see it eventually.
2. Pretty Woman: I don't like Julia Roberts, and the more I heard about this Disneyfied whore story, the more I became opposed to seeing it. I really don't think I'm missing much
3. Shane: I'm not a fan of Westerns, though I have seen a handful of the biggies (like Stagecoach, The Searchers, and The Good The Bad & The Ugly). This one was out of circulation for a while, but now that TCM airs it on occasion, I have no excuse--I guess I need to see this one. Other big Westerns I haven't seen include Red River, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and The Magnificent Seven.

5. Rebel Without a Cause: I've heard so much about this one, I feel like I've seen it.
6. An Affair to Remember (and the movie it was based on, Love Affair): I'm not a big fan of romances, especially 50's ones, and again, I feel like I've seen this one--I saw Sleepless in Seattle; doesn't that count for something?
7. Sergeant York: I like Gary Cooper in the 30's, not so much in the 40's. As with Shane, I imagine I'll see this eventually (TCM runs it every month, it seems) but I just can't get excited about it.

9. Most of the Best Picture Oscar winners of the past few years: Million Dollar Baby, Crash, The Departed, Slumdog Millionaire. I just don't care.
10. Jerry Maguire: C'mon, I know the catchphrases ("Show me the money!" "You had me at hello"); isn't that enough?!
1 comment:
There are definitely some surprises on your list, Mike--most notably _Rebel Without a Cause_! Of course, I've never seen it, either...or most of the others, either. Though I did see _Pretty Woman_ once. And it's the one on your list you should be most *proud* of never having seen, IMHO.
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