Monday, April 29, 2019

Adventures of the Wasp Woman

The audio commentary on the Blu-ray disc of Roger Corman's The Wasp Woman has an interesting section on the exhibition history of the film. It didn't have a single national "laydown" date but, like many B-horror and SF movies of the era, it was released gradually around the country. Wasp Woman was featured on a double bill with another Corman film, Beast from Haunted Cave. It seems to have premiered in Bryan, Texas in July 1959:
Typically, Wasp was first billed, but because Beast was shot in South Dakota, that film took first place in Deadwod in August:
One of the bigger ads I found was from a Marion OH newspaper in July of '59:
By December, it was playing as part of a triple feature in Troy, NY:
Finally, this ad from Ft. Lauderdale from Christmas week in 1959. Note the "first showing anywhere" claim, which is patently not true (this tidbit is mentioned on the commentary). Also note its odd pairing with the 6-year-old religious movie The Silver Chalice w/ Paul Newman. One more thing to note: the giant wasp monster depicted in the ads is nowhere to be seen in the movie--only the character's head makes the transformation.

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