Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Want to Bite Your Hand

As an 8-year-old in 1964, I was caught up in Beatlemania thanks to my babysitter, a high school student named Susan. It was because of her that I watched the Beatles debut on Ed Sullivan and asked for Beatles records for my birthday (which to my parents' credit, I got). I was also at the beginning of my obsession with monster movies. So my mom got me this album full of parody rock songs with a monster-movie twist. I loved it and listened to it almost as much as I listened to Meet the Beatles.

The man who created the album, Gene Moss, mostly worked in children's television, including spending a few years producing segments for Sesame Street. This album actually made the Billboard charts for a few weeks. I don't remember all the songs, but I can still hear Moss in his best Dracula voice singing "I Want to Bite Your Hand," and I know "The King Kong Stomp" ("The jungle swings with a mighty sound/When King Kong starts to monkey around.") Mom knew what I'd like.

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